Originals Broken Cashew Nuts W-320 grade, are small in size with their naturally delicious buttery-sweet flavor, and are packed with vitamin E & B-6 that help fight against cardiovascular diseases. These appetizing Broken cashew nut can be used while cooking as a yummy topper in biryani, desserts, shakes, smoothies, etc and can be a part of your daily munching routine. With their unmistakable shape and delicious flavor, cashew nuts are store to minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and iron which are essential for basic functionality of human body. Heart health Nuts such as cashews are good for your heart. This may be due to followng reasons – nuts are naturally cholesterol-free, but caontain good amounts of heart-healthy fats, fiber, protein and arginine, which protects the inner lining of artery walls. Bone health Cashews contain calcium, magnesium and potassium that give protection against bone demineralization. Cashew nuts also contain vitamin K, which is good for bone health and immunity. Eye health Cashews contain high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin (antioxidants), which protect the eyes from light damage and can even help decrease the instance of cataracts. Blood diseases Consuming cashew nuts in a considerable amount can help prevent blood diseases due to copper content in it. Cashews are rich in copper, which deficiency can lead to iron deficiencies such as anemia. Weight loss Reseach has shown that replacing animal fats and proteins with the mono-and polyunsaturated fats found in cashews can help in weight management as well as reduce the build-up of fat and cholesterol in the heart.
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