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Turkish copper teapot ? tea maker, Turkish teapot set, Caydanlik ? Turkish demlik jug), oriental Turkish hammered handmade copper teapot/tea maker (model 5).
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Turkish copper teapot ? tea maker, Turkish teapot set, Caydanlik ? Turkish demlik jug), oriental Turkish hammered handmade copper teapot/tea maker (model 5).

Product ID: 292812044
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An elegant oriental teapot made from 100% copper, hammered and handmade. With a tea maker, you can do so as to fill the tea leaves. As a rule of thumb, one teaspoon of tea leaves and one teaspoon extra for the jug. Pour some cold water on the tea leaves and swing the pot back and forth. The water should clean the tea leaves and already pre-swell. You can pour off this cold water immediately. The tea leaves are now dripping wet in the small jug. Now fill water in the large pot and place it on the stove. The small teapot with the tea leaves comes on top. Turn on the stove and boil the water of the lower pot. The top pot heats up and the tea starts to develop its aroma. Once the water in the bottom pot boils, fill the small jug with it. Pour new water into the lower large jug. Now put the two jugs back on top of each other and let them simmer on medium heat, about 15 to 20 minutes. The tea leaves in the top pot should now settle on the bottom, then the tea is ready. Now pour a strainer from the top pot some tea concentrate into the jars and fill with hot water from the bottom pot. Depending on your preferences, you can decide how strong your tea should be. With taste, you can use some sugar or sweeteners. Enjoy your meal!

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