Blind Assessment: Delicately sweet, intricate, rich. Honey, grapefruit zest, roasted cacao nib, rose-like flowers in aroma and cup. Balanced, gently bright acidity; buoyant, lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Resonantly flavor-saturated finish. Notes: Light medium roast-Produced from trees of derived botanical variety Gesha (also Geisha) by farmer Roberto Brenes of Auromar Estate. With its generally elongated beans and distinctive floral and crisp, often chocolaty cup, the Gesha variety continues to distinguish itself as one of the world’s most unique coffees. This is a dry-processed or “natural” version, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or “washed” coffees. Panama Coffee Gold Reserve is a pioneer specialty coffee roaster established in the early 1999s that has gracefully and successfully moved with the times and now offers a menu of extremely refined small-lot, single-origin coffees.
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