Aalayam Selveer's Sastra Bandham Yantra(Sasthira Pantham Yantra/Sasthra Bandham Yantra) is on of the Pamban Swamigal Bandham, this Yantra is made of high quality 6 X 6 Inch thick Copper Plate(Thickness 0.4mm(27 Guage)). Pamban Swamigal Bandham is a sacred geometric pattern which has Sri Pamban Swamigal's Sasthira Bandham (Sasthira Pantham Yantra). Sastra Bandham Yantra can be placed directly/photo framed and kept along with other god photos/statues in the puja room and worshiped daily. Reciting Sasthira Pantham 27 times a day acts an armor that brings wealth and prosperity in business, helps to achieve best in career, attain career growth,and also removes negative thoughts.
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